My mother is ALWAYS (I mean always) cutting out articles from the local newspaper and sending them over to us in little plastic bags. We try to read them all… but sometimes they just accumulate. Yesterday she sent over a bag and I was glad I took the time to sort through it. If I hadn’t I wouldn’t have even known that there was a food truck event in Springfield today to celebrate Memorial Day. After we hit the local plant sale and parade we headed over to Smith & Wesson, where this event was being sponsored.
We were so excited to see food trucks parked on a city street! It is rare here. And by that I mean RARE. Some were the local carnival variety, but others were proper food trucks. That is what we got excited about. We stopped in at three.
To make the kids happy we also stopped at a firetruck turned wood burning pizza truck, Verona on Wheels. How can you say no to a four year old boy obsessed with firemen? It was pretty cool. The pizza was really good too.
Finally, if we had had a bigger appetite we would have ordered more at this one. The Bacon Truck. Out of Boston and totally decked out in the coolest designs. Bacon. In a truck. We ordered the bacon chocolate truffle. Cold and decadent…chocolate and bacon. What is not to love?! It was a great way to finish our mini food truck tour in one of the least expected places to find them and a great ending to our super fun Memorial Day.
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