This past Christmas we were given a Kilner butter churner. If you are looking for a super quality butter you need to try this. Easy in terms of ingredients, but requiring a lot of muscle and determination- before long you will have home made butter and a slight feeling of pride that you can really make your own butter so easily. Can we talk about the taste of it?! Trust me when I tell you it is much better than store bought butter.
If at all possible find good quality local whipping cream to get the most out of the experience. It is as simple as pouring the cream into the canning jar churner and turning the handle until it thickens- about ten to twenty minutes depending on how vigorously you are turning. When it is thick you remove it, place it into cheese cloth, strain the liquid out and then spread it out onto a board to salt it. You can add flavors if you wish but we wanted to experience simple butter for our first go. We placed ours into a butter container and refrigerated it over night. Served on thick toast for breakfast, this butter is a bit addicting. So much so that you might find yourself making a batch every week. The other good news? You will get a great upper arm workout out of the process! Sort of makes up for all the butter you will find yourself using…
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