If you haven’t read the gorgeous Australian magazine titled Donna Hay yet, you are missing out. This super talented Australian food writer and stylist is one of our very favorites. Her magazine is beyond incredible. The photographs and recipes are a.m.a.z.i.n.g. Get to your bookstore and get a copy. So worth it! I devour each […]
donna hay
Mustard & Maple Syrup Pork with Pear
Have you ever read Donna Hay Magazine? It is drool worthy. Worth the ten or twelve dollars it will cost you in the US to purchase it. The photos are always so clean and gorgeous. The recipes are approachable and totally doable for the family dinner sort of life that I find myself immersed in […]
Coconut & Oat Crispies
When we make cookies in our house they are most always chocolate chip. Our go to favorite. The dough we always have frozen ahead in case we have one of those I need a cookie right now emergencies that sometimes come up. When we make a batch we often make two- just to keep that […]
Spinach Mac & Cheese with Tin Mustard
We are on a comfort food kick here. I’m not sure if it is because we finally have our kitchen back or if it is from the extreme amount of cold / snow we have had. Either way…dinners are working out to be quite tasty. A while back I read a recipe for spinach mac […]